Takeaway.com experiences steep growth in Europe | data.europa.eu
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Takeaway.com experiences steep growth in Europe

Takeaway.com is an application and website that delivers meals from restaurants in your area

Takeaway.com is an online food ordering and home delivery application and website. Through Takeaway.com users can find restaurants that are located near them, see their menus and order food to be delivered to their house. The service works as an online portal between users and restaurants. Takeaway.com gathers geodata and data from restaurants across the country they are operating in. For example, the Netherlands, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, France and Luxembourg. Users can access this data via their application or website and order food.

According to the annual report of Takeaway.com, the company has experienced steep growth in European markets over 2019. Some restaurant owners decided to sign up on the platform as a new marketing tool instead of using traditional marketing tool such as flyers. The company derives revenue from commissions based on the gross merchandise value of the food ordered through the marketplace and, to a lesser extent, from online payment services fees and other services provided to the restaurant. The core business model is that restaurants deliver the food themselves, while Takeaway.com remains a platform for participating restaurants and facilitating online payment processes.

The company is commonly known as Takeaway.com and operates with different names depending on the region.  The company is known as Takeaway.com in Belgium, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Romania. The company is known as Lieferando in Germany and Austria, Pyszne in Poland, and as Thuisbezorgd in the Netherlands.

Takeaway.com is one of the over 550 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you are aware of another inspiring use case, share your experience and knowledge on different applications and websites using open data with the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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