A new study on the economic impact of open data | data.europa.eu
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A new study on the economic impact of open data

Discover the European Data Portal’s latest study on the economic impact of open data in Europe

Last Tuesday 25 February 2020, the European Data Portal (EDP) released a new study titled “The Economic Impact of Open Data: Opportunities for value creation in Europe”. The study researches the value created by open data across Europe and builds on the EDP’s 2015 report “Creating Value through Open Data”. The Economic Impact of Open Data focuses on aspects such as:

  • How the open data market size is distributed along different sectors;
  • How many people are employed due to open data;
  • The efficiency gains from open data, such as potential lives saved, time saved, environmental benefits, and improvement of language services; and
  • Potential costs savings.

In addition to these aspects, the report also considers examples and insights from open data re-use in organisations.

Interested in finding out more about the economic impact of open data and its opportunities in Europe? Explore the report and join the European Data Portal’s webinar “Opportunities for Value Creation in Europe: The Economic Impact of Open Data” on Friday 6 March.

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