Making statistical Open Data interoperable |
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Making statistical Open Data interoperable

StatDCAT-AP version 1.0.0

To make Open Data interoperable, the ISA2 programme has developed DCAT-AP. With this specification, public sector datasets can easily be described, enabling cross-data portal searches and making data better searchable across borders and sectors. For example, the common vocabulary of the European Data Portal and the German IT Planning Council are working on a standard based on this successful specification. Extensions to specific, high priority domains have also been developed. For this reason, the programme presented the first version of StatDCAT-AP. With this specification, the descriptions of statistical data sets work both within the statistical domain and between statistical data and open data portals.

In addition to the publication of StatDCAT-AP, the ISA2 programme also presented two vocabularies in a v1 phase. A Core Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of an entity and form the starting point for agreeing new rules on semantics. The Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV) is designed to support the exchange of information between organisations defining criteria and organisations responding to these criteria by means of evidences. The Core Public Organisation Vocabulary on the other hand aspires to become a common data model for describing public organisations in the European Union.

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