Find out who receives EU farm subsidies at |
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Find out who receives EU farm subsidies at

The website provides information on payments and recipients of EU farm subsidies

The European Union annually spends around €59 billion on farm subsidies. is a website that provides detailed information on who receives this money and who made the payments. A citizen can, for example, find top recipients of EU farm subsidies, i.e. organisations that have received the highest amount of farm subsidies. Furthermore, a citizen can search per country or per organisation what payments have been made or what payments have been received and by whom. All data presented on the website has been published directly by EU Member States governments or obtained by by requests under the freedom of information act.

The aim of is to help EU citizens become better informed about how their money is being spent and to contribute to a constructive debate about EU food and farming policy. The website is run by the Open Knowledge Foundation in Germany and maintained by volunteers. is one of the over 500 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you are aware of another inspiring use case, share your experience and knowledge about different applications and websites using open data with the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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