CORDONA survey on air quality data |
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CORDONA survey on air quality data

Participate and promote reliable and harmonised data

The EU CORONA project invites you to participate in a short survey on air quality data. The project aims at ensuring the availability of reliable, harmonised air quality data on the European Data Portal.

Eventually, the project will provide a methodology for all EU/EEA Member States to publish air quality data in an interoperable and standardised manner. This methodology will be complemented by quality assurance tools and an EU-wide assessment model to analyse the impact of publishing open-air quality data.

The survey will measure awareness about qualitative air quality data. Moreover, it studies the current availability and quality of data, and your particular expectations about qualitative air data. Click here to participate in the short survey. Survey outcomes will be shared by the CORONA team, consisting of: the Irish Environmental Protection Agency, Belgian Information Flanders, Flanders Environment Agency and Norway's Stiftelsen Norsk institutt for luftforskning).

Interested in air data already available on the European Data Portal? Read our recently published article on air quality data available on the European Data Portal.

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