miHub: Open data to help migrants find their way in Cyprus | data.europa.eu
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miHub: Open data to help migrants find their way in Cyprus

The civic data application that provides access to services and helps integrate into society

In 2017, the Migration Information Center of Cyprus designed miHub – an application that provides information on education, health, and social services for migrants to help them feel protected, safe, and informed. The tool is designed specifically to benefit asylum seekers, refugees, international protection beneficiaries, third country nationals, domestic workers, students, and resettled refugees.

miHub helps make positive impact on the lives of thousands of foreign people who live in Cyprus and supports available integration services. Through this support and access to services, migrants can develop new skills and harmonically adjust to Cypriot culture. The application utilises open data and is the result of a collaboration between the University of Nicosia, the research organisation CARDET,and the Cyprus University of Technology.

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