Open Data Maturity Report 2019 |
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Open Data Maturity Report 2019

Discover open data maturity across Europe and some of the report's results

The European Data Portal (EDP) published its fifth annual report - Open Data Maturity Report 2019 (ODM19) - measuring the level of open data maturity across Europe on 2 December 2019. The report records the progress achieved by European countries and assesses their level of maturity against four dimensions: policy, portal, impact, and quality. The study then clusters countries into four groups - trend-setters, fast-trackers, followers, and beginners, from the most mature to the least. This year:

  • 3 countries belong to the Trend-Setters group: Ireland, Spain, and France.
  • There are 8 countries in the Fast-Trackers.
  • The Followers group is the biggest group this year with 14 countries
  • for the remaining 7 countries are in the Beginners group.

Curious about your country's performance and looking for examples of European best practices? Visit the ODM Dashboard and read the Open Data Maturity Report 2019! Also, follow the EDP via Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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