EDP book club | data.europa.eu
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EDP book club

We want to share our EDP community book recommendations with you!

The EDP community has recently given feedback on their favourite (open) data related books to read. We now want to share a few of their recommendations with you and hopefully it can provide you with a fun summer activity!

Title: The state of open data: history and horizons
Author: Tim Davies, Stephen B. Walker, Mor Rubinstein, and Fernando Perini
Content: The State of Open Data brings together more than 60 authors from around the world to address pressing questions about open data and to take stock of the real progress made to date across sectors, uncovering the issues that will shape the future of open data.   

Title: Factfulness
Author: Hans Rosling
Content: Hans Rosling argues that the media skews data, trends, and uses selective stories to make people think that the world is getting worse, while the world is actually becoming a better place.

Title: Big data, little data, no data
Author: Christine L. Borgman
Content: An examination of the uses of data within a changing knowledge infrastructure, offering analysis and case studies from the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.

We hope you enjoy these recommendations from our community. Please contact us via our social media channels in case you have more book recommendations!

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