Webinar 'Advocating for Open Data' | data.europa.eu
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Webinar 'Advocating for Open Data'

Learn how to pitch Open Data convincingly

Do remarks like "Open Data harms privacy", "Publishing Open Data is way too costly", "Businesses do not benefit from Open Data" sound familiar? Time to learn how to advocate for Open Data in a convincing, reliable and effective manner.

On 30 November 2017, the European Data Portal hosted its latest online webinar. This edition focused on how to promote Open Data in various (political) contexts. As in the case of any other major innovation, those steering Open Data change may face resistance. This webinar pragmatically helps Open Data policy makers, politicians, experts, entrepreneurs, scientists and citizens to articulate the benefits of Open Data and gain support for their plans. By mapping different advocacy scenarios and structures, the webinar offers you practical guidance for a tailored advocacy approach.

Ready to become a more experienced Open Data advocate yourself? Take a look at the Youtube channel of the European Data Portal, where you can watch and share the webinar on 'Advocating for Open Data'.

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