Results of the Swedish Open Data Forum |
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Results of the Swedish Open Data Forum

Discussing Open Data trends and developments

On 11 May, 20 speakers contributed to the Swedish Open Data Forum, held in Stockholm. The meeting highlighted the positive developments in Sweden regarding Open Data, but at the same time it was stressed that Sweden is far from being a world leader in Open Data, as also highlighted in the Open Data in Europe maturity report.

It was said that one of the major problems is that some agencies still sell data to finance their activities. In addition, it was stressed that there is a need to introduce a requirement that authorities provide standardised metadata for all their data. There should be a legal requirement that the data will be disclosed in machine-readable format. Furthermore, it was stated that openness must be the rule ("open by default"), rather than the exception.

Magnus Enzell, Deputy Director at the Swedish Ministry of Finance, emphasised that Open Data is high on the agenda. He stressed that "We need to improve the authorities' digital maturity, modernise legislation, build a national digital infrastructure, modernise the law and raise the digital innovation capacity. Open Data is at the core of these developments and we therefore need to speed up work on Open Data in Sweden, increasing the availability of Open Data and promote the re-use". The National Archives have a central role in the Open Data developments in Sweden, and it was stated that later in May, the National Archives will release a guidance document on how to publish PSI data.

Would you like to know more about what was being discussed during the Swedish Open Data Forum? Read a summary here!

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