Cyprus managed to bring together data of their 8 public transport firms |
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Cyprus managed to bring together data of their 8 public transport firms

Cyprus By Bus - public transport data made usable via a mobile application

If you want to commute on Cyprus, you can choose from among at least eight different bus companies offering their services on the island. Cyprus By Bus is an app that informs users about all buses, their routes, stops, time schedules, and fares. Including data of eight different public transport companies, Cyprus launched a mobile service that provides real added value to all travellers, not only by opening data but also transforming it into a re-usable format. The app allows to create a personalized account that saves frequently used routes and recent bus stop searched for. The app will update data when connected to the internet to make the latest information also available offline. Check out the application for Android users or share your countries best practices by getting in touch with the European Data Portal community.

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