Countdown to the 2nd Data Journalism Handbook |
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Countdown to the 2nd Data Journalism Handbook

The second edition of the Data Journalism Handbook will be released in early 2019.

The European Journalism Centre has been identified as one the world's best learning platform for data journalist because they connect journalists to new people, skills and ideas. This international non-profit organization connects journalists and helps them to understand and capitalize on the importance of data. They have contributed to the creation of different courses on Learno, such as 'Going Viral Using Social Media Analytics', 'Verification: The Basics' and 'Mapping for Journalists' and are in the process of releasing more courses.

In early 2019, the European Journalism Centre will release their second Data Journalism Handbook, the definitive handbook for telling stories with data. Since the publication of the first Handbook, data journalism practices have become more mature because journalists have developed the necessary skills to incorporate data into journalism. For example, today about 18% of journalists state they have some data expertise. This second edition will be available in four languages as a free open-source download online. The Data Journalism Handbook is produced by the European Journalism Centre and Google News Initiative, with support from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to discuss the current state of the field of data journalism.

On 7 December 2018, a preview version of the Data Handbook 2 will be released to give readers a sneak peek.

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