Benefit from the improvement and safety of bike traffic |
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Benefit from the improvement and safety of bike traffic

Betternotstealmybike uses open data to improve attractiveness and safety of bike traffic in cities

Betternotstealmybike is a German service that aims to improve the cycling infrastructure of cities within Germany and to prevent bike theft. With this in mind, betternotstealmybike developed two concepts - bike sense and bike buddy. The first one focuses on the identification and elimination of danger spots and the improvement of cycle paths. By collecting feedback and analysing cycling traffic data, they provide city planners with solutions they need to create new cycling infrastructure. The second one is a tracker that bike owners can buy. This tracker collects movement data that represent another data source for improving the cycling infrastructure. Furthermore, the tracker is connected to an application and allows bike owners to track their bikes at all times. Besides that, users can connect with friends and take part in competitions on how many kilometres they cycle.

Betternotstealmybike collects data via feedback from cyclists (with their consent and in a manner that is respectful of their privacy), cycling traffic data provided by public utilities and movement data from their trackers. The data is then analysed, suggestions are made, and it is published for further usage.

Betternotstealmybike is one of the over 550 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you are aware of another inspiring use case, share your experience and knowledge about different applications and websites using open data with the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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