Open Oil: A website that provides information about oil |
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Open Oil: A website that provides information about oil

Open Oil gathers data from government sources, NGOs and oil companies

Open Oil is a German company that aims to create an open data framework to manage natural resources such as oil, providing services that increase transparency and cost-benefit analysis of industries. The company achieves this by making available information about oil contracts, individual oil companies and company networks to increase transparency.

Open Oil obtains information from government sources, NGOs and oil companies. With this data, the company offers services such as:

  • Training and consultancy services to governments, international organisations, businesses and NGOs.
  • The search engine Aleph, which contains 3 million compliance documents from various oil companies.
  • Financial analysis of large oil and mining companies.

Open Oil is one of the over 400 use cases published on the European Data Portal. If you are aware of another inspiring use case, share your experience and knowledge on different applications and websites using open data with the EDP via mail, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.

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